Before applying to register
You should only register with us if you are working or intending to work in a social care role in Wales. Before applying to register we recommend you read the advice on how to apply on our website
How to apply to register
The below video shows you an overview of how to make an application to register with us:
All the information you provide on your form must be correct to the best of your knowledge and belief. Giving us false or misleading information may result in us refusing to register you or in removal from the Register.
Help throughout the site
Where there is a help option in the top right hand corner of your screen, or you see the word help in key places, you can click this for help and guidance for the page you are on, this may include videos and links to relevant guidance. Some examples can be seen in the below list.
Additional information
Registering as a Manager
If you are a Manager, you need to have completed a required qualification and hold the certificate in order to apply to register. Further information on the routes you can use to Register can be found on the qualification framework on our website If you think that you hold an equivalent qualification please contact our team by emailing and ask about the qualification equivalency assessment process.
Social workers qualified outside the UK
If you are a social worker who qualified outside of the UK, you must contact us before you apply to register, as we may need to assess your qualification. Further information about this process can be found on our website by visiting or by emailing us at