Applying to register

As part of your application to register you will be asked to supply your current employment details, you will need to tell us the details of your job including when you started and who you are working with.

If you need to change the information you have added before you submit your application, you can select the small arrow at the end of the record you wish to update and choose from the menu what you would like to change.

Renewal of registration

As part of your application for renewal you will be asked to view and confirm your current employment details. You will have the opportunity to make any changes that are needed to the information.

Changing your employment details

You can change your employment details by selecting ‘My registration’ on the menu followed by ‘Employment’. This will take you to your employment record where you can make changes to the information we have by clicking on the records in the grid and selecting ‘Change employment.’

If you are leaving or have left a job listed in your employment grid, select ‘change’ and enter the date the employment ended including the type of change from the drop-down menu provided.

Please be sure to add a new employment record by clicking ‘Add New Employment Details’ and supplying the requested information. When applying or renewing, if you have a new job but have not started yet, you can enter this as your current employment with a start date in the future. If the job is uncertain it would be better to apply using your current employment situation and update your details once you’ve started your new job

If you need further advice on any of the above please contact